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Herefordshire Archaeology, is the county archaeological service maintained by Herefordshire Council. The service exists to assess, investigate, document, conserve and promote the archaeology and historic landscape of Herefordshire. This website provides information and resources on different aspects of the archaeological landscape and historic environment of Herefordshire; including access to the Herefordshire Historic Environment Record and information on the work of Herefordshire Archaeology.
The Historic Environment Record is a publicly accessible data service containing the most comprehensive available information on the historic environment of Herefordshire. The HER Search function allows access to the Historic Environment Record's databases; which includes the monuments, sources and the historic field names.
The Events, Projects and Publications pages include the latest archaeological publications from the county, details of forthcoming events, and background information on projects.
Herefordshire's Past pages contain information on Herefordshire history and can be used as a starting point for research or to assist in educational activities.
The Information and Resources pages have information for archaeologists and researchers working in Herefordshire, information for Historic Environment tourists, and information of interest to metal detectorists, and more.