Prior to any work inside the Historic Environment (e.g. watching brief, building recording, excavation), please contact the Historic Environment Record (01432 260130 or e-mail for an HER Event Number. This Event number uniquely identifies the work inside the county and is used to help manage archaeological data. This event number should be quoted on all correspondence (including WSIs), archive and publication work afterwards.
The online HER database must not be used for the basis of commercial assessments, please submit a formal HER Enquiry.
Anyone wishing to request HER Data for any purpose, please complete both the HER Data Enquiry Form and HER Licence Request Form and return by email to
These forms should be used for all enquiries whether they be; commercial, academic, funded researcher, students, Neighbourhood Planning Groups or private researchers. For EIA, EWCO or other agri-environmental scheme requests please mark the purpose of enquiry in email and the HER response will be tailored to your needs.
For all commercial and agri-environmental enquiries there will be a charge.
Our current charges are:
Commercial HER searches
Standard (10 day response): £125 per hour
Priority (48 hour): £195 per hour
Creation of PDF maps: price on request (minimum ½ HER hour at above relevant rate)
Agri-Environmental Historic Environment Advice
Woodland / EWCO / EIA Advice / Reports for other land based / countryside schemes:
Please note that all commercial HER services are exempt of VAT.
We aim to deliver all HER searches within a single chargeable hour. For those that take longer we charge incrementally in 15 minute periods at the above relevant rate.
Search costs are normally waived for private researchers, students and occasionally in other circumstances. Non-commercial rates can also be applied in some instances and the HER is happy to discuss these matters on a case by case basis via the above email address
If your enquiry is related to planning or development, please contact the Herefordshire Archaeology's Archaeological Advisor, to discuss your project, on 01432 383350.
Notice of Service Price Changes:
From 6/4/25 Herefordshire’s HER are increasing:
HER Search Rates:
An additional charge for non-standard data or the provision of printed materials / creation of mapped results will result in an additional service charge. This will be a minimum of 30 minutes at the appropriate service rate.
After the initial first hour all searches will be costed to the nearest 15 minute at the appropriate service rate
Historic Environment Agri-Environmental Advice Rates:
This will be applied to all agri-environmental work including the English Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) and Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA).
Please note that VAT will not be applied to these services
Submitting HER Data
Once your work inside Herefordshire's Historic Environment is complete, all reports and data should be submitted to the HER, it does not matter what is the origin of the work, it can be from development, personal research or local history group investigations. Submitting your data and research to the HER helps improve the knowledge of Herefordshire's Historic Environment and allows the data to be incorporated into the overall historical record. This is especially useful to aid further research, highlight work or have your findings included in the planning process.
To submit reports or data please e-mail or submit hard copies to the HER at Herefordshire Archives and Records Centre (HARC). Report data is ideally submitted in PDF format, if necessary then photographs in JPG or TIFF. Digital GeoData can be in Shapefile, DWG/DXF or MapInfo Tab format. We also encourage the uploading of your work to the ADS through OASIS. Doing this allows a greater visibility to your work.
In 1983, the Hereford City Council made a Designation Order to define the historic core of Hereford, as an Area of Archaeological Importance (under the 1979 Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act). The Hereford Area of Archaeological Importance (AAI) encompasses the whole zone within the medieval walls of the city, together with some of the early suburbs and former monastic precincts.
Herefordshire Council, has the responsibility for ensuring that everyone living, or working, or otherwise carrying out any activities within the designated Area know of its existence, and complies with the regulations affecting it. Herefordshire Archaeology, is responsible for determining what archaeological works might be required in response to receipt of Operations Notices. It is also the service which, if necessary, is authorised to inspect, to record or to excavate sites. It can also authorise other archaeological organisations to carry out investigations in its place.
It is an offence under the Act to undertake any operations within a designated Area of Archaeological Importance which may disturb the ground, or flood any site, or tip upon any site, without giving the administering Authority six weeks notice of the commencement of those operations.
Notice must be given using a pair of prescribed forms; the AAI Operation Notice and an accompanying AAI Certificate.
More information is available in the Herefordshire AAI Guidance Document, or contacting the Herefordshire Archaeological Advisor, via email or telephone 01432 383350.
Any groundwork within designated Scheduled Monument is prohibited without the express permission from Historic England, this includes metal detecting. Permission can be sort by contacting Historic England and obtaining a SMC.