This section provides access to a selection of useful information. Topics covered include some specific to Herefordshire Archaeology and this website, and others of wider interest and application.
Working in the Historic Environment is for historic environment professionals carrying out work in Herefordshire. It includes a downloadable Scheduled Monument Consent application form, Area of Archaeological Importance (AAI) Certificate application form and an Area of Archaeological Importance (AAI) Operations Notice form. The Area of Archaeological Importance covers the central area of the city of Hereford. It also includes information and proforma relating to requesting HER Data.
Metal Detecting includes important information for anyone wishing to metal detect in Herefordshire, including the Portable Antiquities Scheme, the laws relating to metal detecting, and the Treasure Act.
Historic Environment Tourism includes information on interesting sites and attractions in Herefordshire that are open to the public, as well as suggestions for self-guided walks and for school visits.