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Field names and landowners results

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Number Name Parish Owner
136 Little Linacre Field MARDEN Thomas Price
137 Ox Pature & Cottage MARDEN Rebecca Unett
138 Bush meadow MARDEN Thomas Woodyatt
139 Brush Field Inclosure MARDEN Anne Pitt
140 The Rushways MARDEN Rebecca Unett
141 Greathome Meadow MARDEN John Wainwright
142 Great home meadow MARDEN Rebecca Unett
143 Upper Whitterday MARDEN Daniel Higford Burr, Esq
144 Whitterday MARDEN Rebecca Unett
145 Whitterday MARDEN Rebecca Unett
146 Whitterday MARDEN Thomas Price
147 Whitterday MARDEN Thomas Price
148 Whitterday MARDEN William English
149 Whitterday MARDEN William Haskins
150 Whitterday MARDEN William Haskins
151 Whitterday MARDEN John Parry
152 Whitterday MARDEN John Fleming St.John (Clerk)
153 Lower Greathome Meadow MARDEN Rebecca Unett
154 Big Layfield MARDEN Rebecca Unett
155 Big Layfield MARDEN Rebecca Unett
156 Bush field plock MARDEN William Sirrell
157 Brush Field MARDEN Thomas Price
158 Layfield Orchard MARDEN Rebecca Unett
159 Homestead MARDEN John Penny
160 Homestead MARDEN Charles Davies
161 Orchard MARDEN Charles Davies