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Field names and landowners results

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Number Name Parish Owner
172 Piccadilly Walford Thomas Terrett
173 The Large Meadow Walford Thomas Terrett
174 The Old orchard Walford Thomas Terrett
175 The Walk Orchard Walford Parish Land (Churchwardens & Overseers)
176 The Bollin Homestead Garden and Buildings Walford Thomas Terrett
177 Old Garden Walford Thomas Terrett
178 The Two acres Walford Thomas Terrett
179 The Far Lands Walford Roads & Waste
180 The Meadow Four Acres Walford Thomas Terrett
181 The Four acres Walford John Partridge, Esq
182 The Cookham Walford John Partridge, Esq
197 The Seven acres Walford Severn & Wye Tram Road Co.
198 The Sanno Field Walford John Partridge, Esq
204 The Harp piece Walford John Vaughan, Esq
205 Purland Field Walford John Partridge, Esq
206 Bollin Grove Walford John Partridge, Esq
209 The Cot Croft Walford John Partridge, Esq
210 The Bollin Field Walford John Partridge, Esq
211 Hill Field Walford John Partridge, Esq
219 Chins Bottom Wood Walford John Partridge, Esq
217 Chins Bottom Walford John Partridge, Esq
228 Above orchard Walford John Partridge, Esq
250 Fold Barn and Buildings Walford John Partridge, Esq
251 Coughtons orchard Walford John Partridge, Esq
299 Kennel orchard Walford James Evans
231 Coughton Field Walford John Partridge, Esq