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Field names and landowners results

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Number Name Parish Owner
644 Piece of Wood Walford Thomas Harper
647 Ruffett Walford Thomas Harper
648 Piece of Arable Walford Dean's Charity
650 The Wood Walford Jane Harper
651 Strip of Wood Walford James Matthews
654 The Plantation Walford Jane Harper
655 The Ghost Hill Walford Dean's Charity
656 Small piece of Wood Walford Dean's Charity
664 The Marling Pit orchard Walford Robert Jackman
665 The Marling Pit Wood Walford Cornelius Baldwin
280 Gardeners House and Garden Walford Joseph Bennett
646 Cottage and Garden Walford George Jones
649 Cottage and Garden Walford Dean's Charity
640 Small garden Walford Absalon Vaughan
642 Small garden Walford Dean's Charity
645 House Buildings and Garden Walford Thomas Harper
915 NO DATA Walford John Bickerton
934 Road Patch Walford John Bickerton
935 Forest Green, House and Garden Walford John Bickerton
936 NO DATA Walford John Bickerton
946 Piece below The Green Walford John Bickerton
947 Piece below The Green Walford John Bickerton
409 Piece of Arable Walford Joseph Bennett
410 Orchard Walford William Lewis (another)
411 Orchard Walford Cornelius Brian
412 Pear Tree orchard Walford John Gagg