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Results 8426 to 8451 of 22149
Number | Name | Parish | Owner |
278 | Part of the Orles | LAYSTERS | John Mason |
279 | Piece beyond Orles | LAYSTERS | John Mason |
280 | The Ashbed in piece beyond Orles | LAYSTERS | John Mason |
286 | Sow Croft | LAYSTERS | John Mason |
295 | Barn Meadow | LAYSTERS | John Mason |
312 | Old Gorse | LAYSTERS | John Mason |
313 | Plantation | LAYSTERS | John Mason |
321 | Catty’s Croft | LAYSTERS | John Mason |
322 | Middle Field | LAYSTERS | John Mason |
323 | Seven Acres | LAYSTERS | John Mason |
324 | Church field | LAYSTERS | John Mason |
338 | Church Meadow | LAYSTERS | John Mason |
339 | Small Plantation | LAYSTERS | John Mason |
340 | Plantation | LAYSTERS | John Mason |
341 | Honey Meadow | LAYSTERS | John Mason |
342 | Barn Piece | LAYSTERS | John Mason |
343 | Barn Orchard | LAYSTERS | John Mason |
344 | Rickyard | LAYSTERS | John Mason |
345 | Pound Homestead & Garden | LAYSTERS | John Mason |
346 | Garden Meadow | LAYSTERS | John Mason |
347 | Plantation | LAYSTERS | John Mason |
348 | Cowpasture | LAYSTERS | John Mason |
349 | Plantation | LAYSTERS | John Mason |
350 | Lower Meadow | LAYSTERS | John Mason |
351 | Twelve Acres | LAYSTERS | John Mason |
352 | Old Hopyard | LAYSTERS | John Mason |