You searched for
Results 51 to 76 of 382
Number | Name | Parish | Owner |
255 | The Parish Field | CLIFFORD | Churchwardens & Overseers of Clifford |
9 | Cottage and Garden | COLLINGTON | Governors of Christ Church Hospital |
22 | Part of Castle Field | COLLINGTON | Governors of Christ Church Hospital |
28 | Langett | COLLINGTON | Governors of Christ Church Hospital |
29 | Langett Sally Bed | COLLINGTON | Governors of Christ Church Hospital |
30 | Langett Field | COLLINGTON | Governors of Christ Church Hospital |
39 | Pool Bridge Field | COLLINGTON | Governors of Christ Church Hospital |
40 | Pool Bridge Hopyard | COLLINGTON | Governors of Christ Church Hospital |
41 | Part of Castle Field | COLLINGTON | Governors of Christ Church Hospital |
44 | Townsend | COLLINGTON | Governors of Christ Church Hospital |
46 | Bush Field Meadow or Bank Mills | COLLINGTON | Governors of Christ Church Hospital |
47 | Old Mills Meadow | COLLINGTON | Governors of Christ Church Hospital |
48 | Orchards Meadow | COLLINGTON | Governors of Christ Church Hospital |
49 | Cottage and Garden | COLLINGTON | Governors of Christ Church Hospital |
50 | Bush Field | COLLINGTON | Governors of Christ Church Hospital |
51 | Part of Bush Field | COLLINGTON | Governors of Christ Church Hospital |
62 | Ball Grove Cottage and Garden | COLLINGTON | Governors of Christ Church Hospital |
64 | Part of Lower Ball Grove | COLLINGTON | Governors of Christ Church Hospital |
65 | Part of Lower Ball Grove | COLLINGTON | Governors of Christ Church Hospital |
66 | Upper Ball Grove | COLLINGTON | Governors of Christ Church Hospital |
67 | Mount Calvary | COLLINGTON | Governors of Christ Church Hospital |
68 | Hill Bank | COLLINGTON | Governors of Christ Church Hospital |
69 | Hopyard | COLLINGTON | Governors of Christ Church Hospital |
83 | Yew Tree Croft | COLLINGTON | Governors of Christ Church Hospital |
84 | Sally Bed | COLLINGTON | Governors of Christ Church Hospital |
85 | Bottom Mills | COLLINGTON | Governors of Christ Church Hospital |