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Field names and landowners results

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Number Name Parish Owner
502 House Garden & Orchard RICHARDS CASTLE Benjamin Mason
503 Part of Cowpasture RICHARDS CASTLE John Salwey, Esq
504 Rock House fold and Garden RICHARDS CASTLE Thomas Taylor
505 Home Orchard RICHARDS CASTLE Thomas Taylor
506 House fold and Garden RICHARDS CASTLE John Salwey, Esq. & Bishop of Worcester
507 Green Hopyard RICHARDS CASTLE John Salwey, Esq. & Bishop of Worcester
508 Orchard RICHARDS CASTLE John Salwey, Esq. & Bishop of Worcester
509 Cowpasture RICHARDS CASTLE Thomas Taylor
510 Criftian Croft RICHARDS CASTLE Thomas Taylor
511 Cowpasture Orchard RICHARDS CASTLE Thomas Taylor
512 Criftian Croft RICHARDS CASTLE John Salwey, Esq
513 Criftian Field RICHARDS CASTLE Thomas Taylor
514 Criftian Meadow RICHARDS CASTLE John Salwey, Esq
515 House & Garden RICHARDS CASTLE John Salwey, Esq
516 Nursery RICHARDS CASTLE Thomas Taylor
517 Mrs Salweys Little Meadow RICHARDS CASTLE John Tudge
518 House & Garden RICHARDS CASTLE Reuben Price
519 Upper Orchard RICHARDS CASTLE Reuben Price
520 Trustees Big Meadow RICHARDS CASTLE Reuben Price
521 Lower Orchard RICHARDS CASTLE John Salwey, Esq
522 Trustees Big Meadow RICHARDS CASTLE John Salwey, Esq
523 Lady Wall RICHARDS CASTLE John Maund
524 Lady Wall RICHARDS CASTLE John Salwey, Esq
525 Poors Land RICHARDS CASTLE The Poor (Rector & Churchwardens)
526 Peters Land RICHARDS CASTLE John Pitt
527 Kings Acre RICHARDS CASTLE John Salwey, Esq