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Browse Monuments

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Browse site types

Post Medieval
  1. ABATTOIR [all 3 items]
  2. AGRICULTURAL BUILDING [all 1+ items]
  3. ALLOTMENT [all 1 items]
  4. ALMSHOUSE [all 11 items]
  5. ANIMAL BURIAL [all 1 items]
  6. ANIMAL REMAINS [all 3+ items]
  7. AQUEDUCT [all 4 items]
  8. ARCHAEOLOGICAL FEATURE [all 1+ items]
  9. ARTEFACT SCATTER [all 2+ items]
  10. ASSEMBLAGE [all 3 items]
  11. AVENUE (LANDSCAPE FEATURE) [all 1+ items]
  12. BANK (EARTHWORK) [all 284+ items]
  13. BARN [all 75+ items]
  14. BASKET MAKERS WORKSHOP [all 1 items]
  15. BEAKER [all 1+ items]
  16. BEER HOUSE [all 1 items]
  17. BELL PIT [all 1 items]
  18. BLACKSMITHS WORKSHOP [all 21 items]
  19. BOAT HOOK [all 1 items]
  20. BOAT HOUSE [all 10 items]
  21. BONE MILL [all 1 items]
  22. BOTTLING PLANT [all 1 items]
  23. BOUNDARY [all 33+ items]
  24. BOUNDARY BANK [all 55 items]
  25. BOUNDARY DITCH [all 3 items]
  26. BOUNDARY MARKER [all 17+ items]
  27. BOUNDARY STONE [all 10 items]
  28. BOUNDARY WALL [all 4 items]
  29. BREWERY [all 3+ items]
  30. BRICK [all 3+ items]
  31. BRICK KILN [all 28+ items]
  32. BRICKFIELD [all 1 items]
  33. BRICKWORKS [all 229 items]
  34. BRICKYARD [all 6 items]
  35. BRIDGE [all 103+ items]
  36. BUILDING [all 93+ items]
  37. BUILDING PLATFORM [all 52+ items]
  38. BULLET [all 1 items]
  39. BURIAL VAULT [all 1+ items]
  40. BUTCHERY SITE [all 1 items]
  41. BUTTS [all 1+ items]
  42. CANAL [all 6+ items]
  43. CANAL BASIN [all 2 items]
  44. CANAL WHARF [all 1 items]
  45. CANNON BALL [all 2 items]
  46. CARRIAGEWAY [all 26+ items]
  47. CARVED STONE [all 2 items]
  48. CASCADE [all 1 items]
  49. CASTLE [all 2+ items]
  50. CAUSEWAY [all 3 items]
  51. CELLAR [all 1 items]
  52. CEMETERY [all 12+ items]
  53. CHAPEL [all 140+ items]
  54. CHARCOAL BURNERS SITE [all 17 items]
  55. CHARCOAL BURNING PLATFORM [all 737 items]
  56. CHEMICAL WORKS [all 2+ items]
  57. CHURCH [all 1+ items]
  58. CHURCHYARD [all 2 items]
  59. CIDER FACTORY [all 2 items]
  60. CIDER MILL [all 3 items]
  61. CIRCULAR ENCLOSURE [all 2 items]
  62. CIRCULAR PLATFORM [all 1 items]
  63. CISTERN [all 2 items]
  64. CLAPPER BRIDGE [all 2 items]
  65. CLAY PIPE (SMOKING) [all 28 items]
  66. CLAY PIT [all 110+ items]
  67. CLAY WORKINGS [all 1 items]
  68. CLEARANCE CAIRN [all 22+ items]
  69. COAL BUNKER [all 1 items]
  70. COCKPIT [all 1 items]
  71. COLLIERY [all 3 items]
  72. COLUMN [all 1+ items]
  73. COMMEMORATIVE MONUMENT [all 1+ items]
  74. COMMON LAND [all 6 items]
  75. COMPARTMENT BOUNDARY [all 66 items]
  76. CONDUIT HOUSE [all 1 items]
  77. CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS [all 1 items]
  78. CONSTRUCTION TRENCH [all 1+ items]
  79. COPPICE [all 1 items]
  80. CORN MILL [all 12 items]
  81. COUNTRY ESTATE [all 1 items]
  82. COUNTRY HOUSE [all 8 items]
  83. COUNTY BOUNDARY [all 1 items]
  84. COURTYARD [all 1 items]
  85. CRICKET PITCH [all 1 items]
  86. CROSS [all 1+ items]
  87. CULTIVATION MARKS [all 3+ items]
  88. CULTIVATION TERRACE [all 1 items]
  89. CULVERT [all 7 items]
  90. DAM [all 25+ items]
  91. DEER LEAP [all 2 items]
  92. DEER PARK [all 10+ items]
  93. DEER POUND [all 1+ items]
  94. DEER SHELTER [all 2 items]
  95. DESERTED SETTLEMENT [all 22 items]
  96. DEWPOND [all 1 items]
  97. DIRECTION STONE [all 2 items]
  98. DITCH [all 194+ items]
  99. DOVECOTE [all 5 items]
  100. DOWER HOUSE [all 1 items]
  101. DRAIN [all 25+ items]
  102. DRAINAGE DITCH [all 38 items]
  103. DRAINAGE SYSTEM [all 13 items]
  104. DRIVE [all 2 items]
  105. DUCKING STOOL [all 1 items]
  106. DYE WORKS [all 2+ items]
  107. EARTHWORK [all 34+ items]
  108. EMBANKMENT [all 4 items]
  109. ENCLOSURE [all 16+ items]
  110. ENGINE [all 1+ items]
  111. ENGINE SHED [all 2 items]
  112. ENGINEERING WORKS [all 2+ items]
  113. ESTATE COTTAGE [all 1 items]
  114. EXTRACTIVE PIT [all 11+ items]
  115. FACTORY [all 9+ items]
  116. FARM [all 2563+ items]
  117. FARM BUILDING [all 12+ items]
  118. FARMHOUSE [all 25 items]
  119. FARMSTEAD [all 12+ items]
  120. FARMYARD [all 3 items]
  121. FEATURE [all 1+ items]
  122. FERRY CROSSING [all 5 items]
  123. FERRY CROSSING SHELTER [all 1 items]
  124. FIELD BOUNDARY [all 264 items]
  125. FIELD SYSTEM [all 97+ items]
  126. FINDSPOT [all 5 items]
  127. FISHERY [all 1+ items]
  128. FISHPOND [all 80 items]
  129. FLOOD DEFENCES [all 1+ items]
  130. FOLLY [all 1 items]
  131. FOOTBRIDGE [all 1 items]
  132. FORD [all 19 items]
  133. FORGE [all 4+ items]
  134. FORMAL GARDEN [all 5 items]
  135. FULLING MILL [all 1 items]
  136. FURNACE [all 5+ items]
  137. GAOL [all 4 items]
  138. GARDEN [all 31+ items]
  139. GARDEN FEATURE [all 5+ items]
  140. GARDEN WALL [all 1+ items]
  141. GAS WORKS [all 1 items]
  142. GATE [all 2+ items]
  143. GATE PIER [all 5 items]
  144. GLASS WORKS [all 1+ items]
  145. GRAMMAR SCHOOL [all 1 items]
  146. GRANARY [all 1 items]
  147. GRANDSTAND [all 1 items]
  148. GRAVEL PIT [all 215 items]
  149. GRAVESTONE [all 1+ items]
  150. GROTTO [all 1+ items]
  151. GUNFLINT [all 1 items]
  152. HA HA [all 2 items]
  153. HALL HOUSE [all 1+ items]
  154. HAND PUMP [all 1 items]
  155. HARD STANDING [all 2 items]
  156. HEDGE [all 2+ items]
  157. HEDGE BANK [all 1 items]
  158. HISTORICAL SITE [all 1 items]
  159. HOLLOW [all 14 items]
  160. HOLLOW WAY [all 537 items]
  161. HOMESTEAD [all 3 items]
  162. HOP GARDEN [all 2 items]
  163. HOP KILN [all 2 items]
  164. HORSE ENGINE HOUSE [all 1 items]
  165. HOSPITAL BUILDING [all 2+ items]
  166. HOUSE [all 971+ items]
  167. HOUSE PLATFORM [all 11 items]
  168. HYDRAULIC PUMPING STATION [all 1 items]
  169. HYDRAULIC RAM [all 3 items]
  170. ICEHOUSE [all 10 items]
  171. INGOT [all 2 items]
  172. INN [all 3+ items]
  173. IRON FOUNDRY [all 1 items]
  174. IRON WORKING SITE [all 2 items]
  175. IRON WORKS [all 4 items]
  176. JAM FACTORY [all 1 items]
  177. JETTON [all 1 items]
  178. KENNELS [all 1 items]
  179. KILN [all 24+ items]
  180. KILN FURNITURE [all 1 items]
  181. KITCHEN GARDEN [all 1+ items]
  182. LANDSCAPE PARK [all 290 items]
  183. LEAT [all 64 items]
  184. LEVEL CROSSING [all 3+ items]
  185. LIME KILN [all 222+ items]
  186. LIME WORKS [all 2 items]
  187. LIMESTONE QUARRY [all 4 items]
  188. LINEAR CLEARANCE CAIRN [all 4 items]
  189. LINEAR EARTHWORK [all 8+ items]
  190. LINEAR FEATURE [all 6 items]
  191. LITHIC IMPLEMENT [all 1+ items]
  192. LOCK [all 2+ items]
  193. LODGE [all 3 items]
  194. LYNCHET [all 125+ items]
  196. MALT HOUSE [all 1 items]
  197. MANOR HOUSE [all 6 items]
  198. MARKER STONE [all 1+ items]
  199. MARKET HALL [all 1+ items]
  200. MARKET HOUSE [all 4 items]
  201. MARKET PLACE [all 2 items]
  202. MARL PIT [all 32 items]
  203. MAZE [all 1+ items]
  204. MEETING HALL [all 1+ items]
  205. METHODIST CHAPEL [all 1+ items]
  206. MIDDEN [all 1+ items]
  207. MILEPOST [all 160+ items]
  208. MILESTONE [all 174 items]
  209. MILL [all 107+ items]
  210. MILL POND [all 6 items]
  211. MILL RACE [all 34+ items]
  212. MILLSTONE [all 1 items]
  213. MINE [all 2+ items]
  214. MINE SHAFT [all 1+ items]
  215. MINERAL PIT [all 1+ items]
  216. MISSION HALL [all 1+ items]
  217. MOAT [all 2 items]
  218. MODEL FARM [all 6 items]
  219. MOLLUSCA REMAINS [all 1+ items]
  220. MONASTERY [all 1+ items]
  221. MORTUARY CHAPEL [all 1 items]
  222. MOTTE [all 1 items]
  223. MOUND [all 20+ items]
  224. NARROW RIDGE AND FURROW [all 3 items]
  225. NATURAL FEATURE [all 182+ items]
  226. NONCONFORMIST CHAPEL [all 1+ items]
  228. NUNNERY [all 1+ items]
  229. OCCUPATION SITE [all 15 items]
  230. ORCHARD [all 58 items]
  231. ORNAMENTAL POND [all 1 items]
  232. OUTBUILDING [all 1 items]
  233. OUTFALL SEWER [all 1 items]
  234. OUTFARM [all 29 items]
  235. OVEN [all 1 items]
  236. PACKHORSE BRIDGE [all 1 items]
  237. PACKHORSE ROAD [all 1 items]
  238. PADDOCK [all 1 items]
  239. PALAEOCHANNEL [all 2 items]
  240. PAPER MILL [all 2 items]
  241. PARISH BOUNDARY [all 7 items]
  242. PARK [all 2+ items]
  243. PARK PALE [all 7 items]
  244. PATH [all 1+ items]
  245. PILLORY [all 1 items]
  246. PILLOW MOUND [all 20 items]
  247. PIT [all 21+ items]
  248. PLAGUE PIT [all 2 items]
  249. PLANTATION [all 3 items]
  250. PLATFORM [all 343+ items]
  251. POND [all 119+ items]
  252. POOL [all 27+ items]
  253. POST OFFICE [all 1 items]
  254. POTTERY KILN [all 8+ items]
  255. POUND [all 25+ items]
  256. POWDER MAGAZINE [all 1 items]
  257. PREACHING CROSS [all 1 items]
  258. PRISON [all 1+ items]
  259. PROSPECT MOUND [all 1 items]
  260. PROSPECTING PIT [all 1 items]
  261. PUMP [all 1+ items]
  262. PUMP HOUSE [all 2+ items]
  263. QUARRY [all 2370+ items]
  264. QUAY [all 1 items]
  265. RABBIT WARREN [all 12 items]
  266. RACECOURSE [all 1 items]
  267. RAIL DEPOT [all 2 items]
  268. RAILWAY [all 7+ items]
  269. RAILWAY BRIDGE [all 1 items]
  271. RAILWAY HALT [all 6 items]
  272. RAILWAY JUNCTION [all 18 items]
  273. RAILWAY SIDING [all 1 items]
  274. RAILWAY STATION [all 44+ items]
  275. RAILWAY TUNNEL [all 3+ items]
  276. RAILWAY VIADUCT [all 8 items]
  277. RECTANGULAR ENCLOSURE [all 5 items]
  278. RECUMBENT STONE [all 1 items]
  279. RESERVOIR [all 1+ items]
  280. REVETMENT [all 2 items]
  281. RIDE [all 15 items]
  282. RIDGE AND FURROW [all 560+ items]
  283. RIFLE BUTTS [all 3 items]
  284. ROAD [all 17+ items]
  285. ROD [all 1 items]
  286. ROLLING MILL [all 1 items]
  287. ROPEWALK [all 2 items]
  288. ROW [all 1+ items]
  289. SAND PIT [all 12 items]
  290. SANDSTONE QUARRY [all 1 items]
  291. SAW MILL [all 2 items]
  292. SAW PIT [all 271 items]
  293. SCHOOL [all 12+ items]
  294. SEMI DETACHED HOUSE [all 1 items]
  295. SETTLEMENT [all 5+ items]
  296. SEWAGE WORKS [all 1 items]
  297. SHAFT [all 2+ items]
  298. SHEEP DIP [all 1 items]
  299. SHEEP FOLD [all 3 items]
  300. SHERD [all 75+ items]
  301. SHOP [all 2+ items]
  302. SHRUNKEN VILLAGE [all 66 items]
  303. SIGNPOST [all 1+ items]
  304. SITE [all 1+ items]
  305. SLAG [all 2 items]
  306. SLAG HEAP [all 1 items]
  307. SLUICE [all 15+ items]
  308. SMALLHOLDING [all 45 items]
  309. SMITHS COTTAGE [all 1 items]
  310. SPA [all 1 items]
  311. SPOIL HEAP [all 18+ items]
  312. SPRING [all 5 items]
  313. SQUARE [all 1+ items]
  314. SQUARE ENCLOSURE [all 1 items]
  315. SQUATTERS COTTAGE [all 1 items]
  316. STABLE [all 1+ items]
  317. STACK YARD [all 4 items]
  318. STATUE [all 2 items]
  319. STEAM PLOUGHED RIG [all 5 items]
  320. STEPPING STONES [all 3 items]
  321. STEPS [all 2+ items]
  322. STILE [all 2 items]
  323. STIRRUP [all 1 items]
  324. STOCKS [all 2 items]
  325. STONE [all 7+ items]
  326. STONE BLOCK [all 1 items]
  327. STONE QUARRY [all 7+ items]
  328. STONEMASONS YARD [all 1 items]
  329. STREET SYSTEM [all 3 items]
  330. STRIP FIELD [all 3 items]
  331. STRUCTURE [all 6+ items]
  332. TAIL RACE [all 4 items]
  333. TANNERY [all 15 items]
  334. TANNING PIT [all 2 items]
  335. TENEMENT [all 15 items]
  336. TERRACE [all 21+ items]
  337. TERRACED GARDEN [all 4 items]
  338. TERRACED GROUND [all 1 items]
  339. THRESHING FLOOR [all 1 items]
  340. TILE [all 3+ items]
  341. TILE KILN [all 3 items]
  342. TILE WORKS [all 4 items]
  343. TIMBER FRAMED BUILDING [all 2+ items]
  344. TIMBER FRAMED HOUSE [all 1+ items]
  345. TIMBER YARD [all 7 items]
  346. TITHE BARN [all 3 items]
  347. TOFT [all 1 items]
  348. TOKEN [all 2 items]
  349. TOLL GATE [all 10 items]
  350. TOLL HOUSE [all 113 items]
  351. TOWER [all 1+ items]
  352. TOWN [all 1+ items]
  353. TRACKWAY [all 358+ items]
  354. TRAM DEPOT [all 1 items]
  355. TRAMWAY [all 26+ items]
  356. TRAMWAY BRIDGE [all 1 items]
  357. TRAPEZOIDAL ENCLOSURE [all 2 items]
  358. TUNNEL [all 4+ items]
  359. UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT [all 1 items]
  360. VICARAGE [all 12 items]
  361. VIEWING TERRACE [all 6 items]
  362. VILLAGE [all 1+ items]
  363. VINEGAR BREWERY [all 1 items]
  364. VINEYARD [all 36 items]
  365. WALL [all 38+ items]
  366. WALLED GARDEN [all 3+ items]
  367. WAREHOUSE [all 2+ items]
  368. WASTER TIP [all 3 items]
  369. WATER CHANNEL [all 18+ items]
  370. WATER MEADOW [all 81 items]
  371. WATER WHEEL [all 2+ items]
  372. WATERCOURSE [all 2+ items]
  373. WATERMILL [all 23+ items]
  374. WATERWORKS [all 4 items]
  375. WEIGHT [all 1+ items]
  376. WEIR [all 33+ items]
  377. WELL [all 19+ items]
  378. WESLEYAN METHODIST CHAPEL [all 1 items]
  379. WHARF [all 3+ items]
  380. WHEELWRIGHTS WORKSHOP [all 1 items]
  381. WHIPPING POST [all 2 items]
  382. WIND FARM [all 1 items]
  383. WIND PUMP [all 8 items]
  384. WINDMILL [all 8+ items]
  385. WOOD [all 11+ items]
  386. WOOD BANK [all 137 items]
  387. WOOD STORE [all 15 items]
  388. WOODLAND GARDEN [all 1 items]
  389. WORKHOUSE [all 3 items]
  390. WORKS [all 21+ items]