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Database Conditions of Use

In addition to the general Terms of Use of the Herefordshire Through Time website, the following Conditions of Use apply to the searchable HER database:

Conditions of use

1. Herefordshire Council holds copyright of the Historic Environment Record (HER) compiled data. The information may be used for research but the source must be acknowledged.

2. Information obtained from the HER database must not be used for purposes that could, knowingly or unknowingly, damage (or lead to damage to) the historic environment.

3. The material in the database is not suitable for professional or commercial use such as planning and development control, agri-environment scheme applications or the development of strategic policies, management plans or similar. If you require information for these purposes you should contact our Archaeological Advisor (telephone 01432 383350, or e-mail: or our Archaeological Projects Manager (telephone 01432 383352 or e-mail:

4. The information in the database has been compiled from a variety of sources, some of which are very old and not all of which have been verified. Therefore, Herefordshire Council and Herefordshire Archaeology cannot accept responsibility for any omissions or errors, or for any consequences arising from use of information contained within the database.